Monday 18 July 2011

New Video! 2 x Kaoss Pad Beatbox - One Lemmings

Hello all!

I've just uploaded a new video onto the tube. It's been a while since my last one, my retake on Pixies track Where Is My Mind, went nutsness on the net (it's now amassed over a million views, amazing) and i've been hard at work on a new project surrounding the idea and presentation of that video. It's taking a while, longer than i'd hoped but I want to get it right and shall be releasing more details very soon...

Until then i'm going to be pursuing another series of videos - my 'Home Filmed' series where i'm just filming and recording bits and bobs i'm doing at home on my little camera. I make so many different types of music that usually gets set aside for other stuff so I thought why not get down everything I do and put it up for you all to see.

Here's the second one in the Home Filmed series. It's made using two Korg Kaoss Pads linked together which are effects processors/loopers/samplers all built into one. It's a lot of fun and a good way for you guys to see exactly how they work as i'm going to be using them quite a bit from now on. It's all vocal, sometimes using my sounds to manipulate the effects in the Kaoss Pads to create a certain sound.
Remember it's all made in one take, everything performed and recorded live n all made with one microphone and my mouth!

Enjoy and stay tuned for more!



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