Monday 2 August 2010

Latitude Festival Vlog

Yooo, so i went to play at Latitude festival 2010! I had a blast with a couple of my mates and a rockin Latitude crowd... here's a few moments from the trip!


R said...

Ay up,

You've met my manfriend Chris in passing in Notts a couple times but yes anyway hello, we have just moved down from Nottingham and saw your face-like on a poster for local club Karma or whatever it's been renamed now. So if you fancy a shmoke up the cliffs or anything get in touch, would be nice to hear how the 'scene' heads are destroying themselves in Notts lol.

Hugs and cuddles,
Rachel (and Chris)

Email us r e f is h er 87@ google mail dot com for numbers

Michelle Custodio said...

It seems you really had fun. Stay happy!

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